Submission Guidelines

Authors should prepare their paper according to the following instructions in order to bring uniformity:

1 Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity and contribution.
2 The papers submitted must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.
3 Papers should be with the following information:
a Main Theme and Title of the paper.
b Name of the Author(s) including Affiliation.
c Contact details (office address, email and mobile number).
4 Abstract of maximum 250 words describing main contents of the paper in italic font and should contain Keywords (minimum 3 and maximum 6) in italic font.
5 Document type: MS Word; Font Style: Times New Roman, Font size 12 pt with 1” margin all sides and Paper Size: A4 with 1.0” line spacing.
6 Tables and graphs should be properly numbered with title at the top of the table and source data of the table should be quoted at the bottom of the table.
7 Papers must cite all sources consulted. Submitted papers must use the APA (American Psychological Association) style of referencing in bibliography.
8 Any one or all the author/s of accepted paper are required to present his/their paper in the conference.
9 The author of accepted paper who presents the paper will get a certificate of paper presentation issued by the college.

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